Antardrishti (2021)
Antar(inner) drishti (sight) marks the beginnings of a creative lab in TFA; a platform for our senior students to explore new creative frontiers and showcase their own works. We have launched the first volume of this series, and look forward to more works in the near future.
#Antardrishti Vol 1: Within these wars
This piece was choreographed by the Contemporary Dance students of TFA mentored by Sandhya Suresh, about their time in isolation with the exploration tools provided to them during this trying period.
These are stories of 5 individuals - stories about feeling trapped, stagnant, stuck and afraid, being bound within a confined space of four walls, overwhelmed by uncertainty and anxiety, fighting an internal war. Feeling like they’re unable to claw their way out of a dark space, they find refuge in expression by breaking out of the conforms of taught movement and exploring the potential of their own bodies in their own unique way, in their own un-judged space. These are stories about hope, strength and gratitude, stories about finding light in darkness.